best exercise to lose weight

Weight loss exercises

What is the best weight loss sport?

It is worth noting that there is no one specific exercise for weight loss, but there are three types of exercise that help lose weight, namely aerobic exercises, strength exercises, flexibility or stretching exercises, and it is recommended to enter all these exercises into the program Weight loss athlete to get the best results, however, it is not possible to rely only on exercise to lose weight, as reducing the number of calories contributes to promoting better weight loss compared to increasing the volume of exercise, and as mentioned previously, the key to losing weight It is the consumption of calories less than what the body burns, but reducing the number of calories through the diet in addition to burning calories through exercise, helps to lose weight better than exercising alone.


aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercises help increase heart rate and respiratory rate, and these exercises usually involve performing repetitive movements that target large muscles, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates Including (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) that the appropriate amount of aerobic exercise to lose weight varies from person to person, and it is recommended to follow a weekly program consisting of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises such as brisk walking for up to 150 minutes, or doing exercises Aerobic exercises of strong intensity, such as running for up to 75 minutes, but in the event of long-term weight loss, it is recommended to exercise for 300 minutes or more per week, and here are some examples of aerobic exercise:

It can be practiced at home: We mention the following:


Rope jumping:

The sport of jumping rope helps develop better body awareness, in addition to improving hand-foot coordination, and agility.

Running or jogging:

Running is one of the most effective forms of aerobic exercise, as running helps improve heart health, burn fat and calories, as well as improve mood.


Walking daily helps reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure levels, and depression.


The jumping exercise helps burn about 100 calories within 10 minutes.

Running in place:

Running in place is a simple exercise that helps increase the heart rate, and is a warm-up exercise that precedes the most intense exercises.

Stair-climbing exercise:

Stair climbing is an excellent aerobic exercise, and the stairs can be used to practice a variety of other exercises.


Exercises that can be practiced in the gym:


We mention the following:

Using special machines: Such as treadmills, stationary bikes, and exercise machines (Elliptical machines).


Swimming is a low-impact exercise, so it is a good option for people who are prone to injury or people with limited mobility, and swimming helps to tighten muscles, enhance strength and endurance.

Stationary bike:

Many gyms offer cycling lessons by using stationary bikes, but it is possible to benefit from the stationary bike exercise without taking these classes.

Aerobic lessons.


Zumba, which can also be practiced at home.


Other aerobic exercises:

Other examples of aerobic exercises that can be practiced outside the home include basketball, brisk walking, cycling, rowing, running, and football.


Resistance exercises

help improve fat burning in the long run by Increasing muscle mass, whereby increasing muscle mass increases metabolic rates during rest periods (Resting metabolism), and it is recommended to practice resistance exercises at least twice a week, leaving a day for rest between exercise days, and it should be noted that the duration of the exercise It depends on the number of repetitions a person performs, and there are many ways in which the muscles can be strengthened, whether at home or in the gym, which include the following:



Exercises that depend on body weight are considered exercises. ergonomic; Where it can be practiced when traveling or at work, examples of bodyweight exercises are: squats, push-ups, and Chin-Up exercises.

Weight machines:

Weight machines are devices that have adjustable seats and handles that are attached to weights or the hydraulic system.

Rubber Resistance Bands:

These are giant rubber bands that can be adapted to most exercises, and the bands provide continuous resistance throughout the movement.

Suspension equipment:

It is a training device that uses gravity and bodyweight to perform various exercises.

Weights of bags or balls:

such as sandbags, or medicine balls > Free weights: They are traditional training tools such as iron weights (Dumbbell), and a person needs to have a set A variety of weights, where you can start with three sets of iron weights, distributed as follows:

Lightweight group:

whose weight ranges between 1.4 to 2.3 kilograms for women, and from 2.3 to 3.6 kilograms for men.

Medium weight group:

whose weight ranges between 2.3 to 4.5 kilograms for women, and from 4.5 to 6.8 kilograms for men.

Heavyweight group:

whose weight ranges between 4.5 to 9 kilograms for women, and from 6.8 to 13.6 kilograms for men.


Stretching exercises

are one of the Exercises that increase the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Slow stretching exercises can be combined after warm-up exercises or during cooling down in each exercise session.

They can also be done as a separate activity; Such as yoga (Yoga).

It is recommended that the duration of each stretching exercise does not exceed approximately 30 seconds.

It is worth noting that stretching exercises contribute to maintaining joint movement, muscle relaxation, and health; Which helps to move more efficiently and reduce muscle tension pain, and muscle imbalance and may help to lose weight easier.


Tips on losing weight

It should be noted that healthily losing weight is not limited to following A diet or sports program for a specific period, it is about following a continuous lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating habits in addition to exercising, and although healthily losing weight requires a lot of time and effort; However, making permanent lifestyle changes that include proper nutrition and physical activity contributes to maintaining weight loss for a long time.

here are some tips that can be followed to lose weight healthily:


Eating a variety of plant foods:

Most meals should contain On vegetables and fruits in good quantity, it is recommended that vegetables make up nearly half of the food dish, while grains and proteins make up the remaining half.

Eat meals regularly:

focus on breakfast and snacks, because skipping them may lead to overeating during the day.

Prepare snacks in advance and choose them well:

vegetables can be eaten when you want a crunchy snack, and fruits can also be eaten when you want a sweet snack.

Increase physical activity:

It is recommended to reduce sitting in front of the TV or computer screen to two hours or less per day and increase exercise.

Getting enough hours of sleep:

Not getting enough sleep is linked to weight gain, so it is recommended to get 8 to 8.5 hours of sleep per day.

Reducing calories intake:

Reducing calories by 500 to 1000 calories per day from the usual diet contributes to a weight loss ranging from 0.45 to 0.91 kilograms of body weight per week, and calories in the diet can be reduced through Making some changes such as eating foods with high nutritional value and low calories instead of foods with low nutritional value and high calories, in addition to reducing the size of food portions.


The importance of reducing weight Losing

weight contributes to obtaining many health benefits for the body, including improving blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels, in addition to blood sugar levels, and it is possible to obtain these benefits even if weight loss is simple; That is, at a rate ranging from 5% to 10% of body weight, to lose weight, the number of calories burned by the body must be greater than those consumed in the diet, and it is worth noting that the rate of energy spent at rest Energy Expenditure.

It is the number of calories that the body consumes to perform its basic functions such as breathing, forming cells, and maintaining body temperature, which constitutes between 50% and 70% of the total calories needed by the body, and it should be noted that some factors such as genetics, age, And gender, and body composition, determine the rate of energy spent at rest, while the rest of the amount of energy the body burns daily depends on the amount of exercise a person does.


Could Your Diet Kill You?? 

Ever heard of ephedrine?
It was popular decades ago, it was found in the herb Ephedra…
And millions of women were taking it to lose weight…
Until a woman from Oakland, CA died after consuming eight Ephedra capsules.
Ephedra was often advertised as a slimming product but was known to have many side effects including multiple organ failure, coma, and cardiac arrest.
Thankfully this product is now BANNED.

Can you believe a woman would go to such lengths, risking death just to lose weight?

This is the reason Chrissie made this video

Never Again will a woman be forced to take drastic measures to lose a few pounds.
In fact, on her program, it’s so natural, you can eat your favorite foods.
Yes. You can have a cheesecake.
If you want to know how a diet can include cheesecake and still make you lose weight
you have to learn about the “magic ingredient”
This isn’t anything like what Ephedra had. It’s completely natural and tested for safety literally hundreds of times. There are NO reported side effects.
So enjoy this video

You’re going to walk away from it a few pounds thinner.

Good luck (you won’t need it)

P.S. Word is Big Pharma wants this video down bad. It’s really making a splash. So watch while you still can.

BioFit Probiotic




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