The Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Excess weight is one of the most common health problems, so this article will explain what are the fastest ways to lose excess weight.



Excess weight is one of the most annoying problems that many people suffer from, and many methods help promote the elimination of excess weight in a healthy and fast way at the same time. Learn about the fastest ways to lose excess weight:

The fastest way to lose excess weight

Ways to lose weight quickly are the following:

  • intermittent fasting

The intermittent fasting diet has become one of the fastest ways to lose weight quickly within a short period. Good results can be achieved within 24 weeks of starting the diet. There are many ways to follow the intermittent fasting diet, most notably:


  1. The method of intermittent fasting every two days: In this system, the intermittent fasting diet is applied every two days, with eating normally in the following days.                                                    
  2. Method 2: 5: In this system, fasting is done two days a week, so that 500 to 600 calories are eaten at most during these two days, and eating normally in the remaining five days of the week.
  3. Method 8/16: In this method, fasting is for 16 hours a day, and eating normally during a period of 8 hours only. For most people, fasting starts at 12 noon and ends at eight in the evening.
It is preferable to eat healthy foods on days when the diet is not followed, and to avoid overeating.
  • Limit sugars

Sugars cause weight gain and raise blood sugar levels, which disrupts the burning process. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid sugars if you want to lose weight quickly.
This applies to artificial sweeteners that are added to various foods and drinks, not the natural sugars in fruits, as they can be eaten in reasonable quantities.
  • Increase your fiber intake

Fiber helps increase the feeling of fullness and satiety, and is therefore considered one of the fastest ways to lose weight quickly. Because it reduces the desire to eat, because it takes a long time in the stomach to be digested. Fiber is found in many vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains, oats, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
  • Eat protein at breakfast

It is necessary to include protein in the diet followed to achieve the fastest ways to lose excess weight, as it helps to regulate appetite hormones and increase the feeling of satiety.
It is recommended to eat protein at breakfast to reduce the feeling of hunger over long hours of the day, such as: eggs, oats, walnuts, and chia seeds.
  • Drink more water

Often the feeling of hunger increases, but it is in fact a feeling of thirst, and therefore the body must be supplied with its need for water to avoid the deceptive feeling of hunger.
Drinking water also helps to remove toxins from the body and increase the metabolism needed to improve burning.
It is recommended to drink more water throughout the day, and some fresh citrus fruits that contain almost no calories can be added to the water, such as: lemon and orange slices, in order to add a distinctive flavor to the water and achieve the best results in detoxing.
  • Playing sports

In addition to a healthy diet, sports is one of the fastest ways to lose excess weight significantly, as it increases the rate of fat burning, and strenuous exercise is not required, but some easy sports can be done to stimulate burning, such as brisk walking.

To start walking, it is recommended to follow the following steps:

Slow walking with calm breathing for 7 minutes.

Brisk walking for 7 minutes

Repeating these steps three times a day can burn up to 300 to 500 calories per day.


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