Weight Loss Benefits

Weight Loss Benefits

Benefits and ways to lose weight

– A person does not have to return to weight during high school days to obtain real health benefits, as a simple weight loss of 7% to 14% of the total body weight may help to obtain many health benefits.

– for example, when losing 7% of the total 90 kilograms, which is equivalent to 6.30 kilograms, and thus the weight becomes 83.7 kilograms, as this may help reduce the risk factors for chronic diseases related to obesity, despite the weight remaining in the range of obesity or overweight.

– so it is recommended to take the overall goal of weight loss on It is a way to learn new healthy eating and physical activity habits that can help lead a healthier life and maintain weight loss.

The following is a set of benefits associated with losing weight: Volume 0% Reducing the risk of diseases associated with overweight and obesity:

– This includes reducing the risk of some diseases such as heart disease, death from heart disease, type 2 diabetes and its complications, high blood pressure, kidney disease, some types of cancers, and weakness Bladder in women, arthritis symptoms, weight-related knee problems, and GERD symptoms.

Reducing the risk of developing sleep apnea:

– Some people who are overweight may have frequent pauses in breathing during the night due to the formation of extra tissues at the back of the throat, as these tissues slip when lying down to sleep and block the airway, causing many health problems to the heart.

– losing weight may help reduce the incidence of sleep apnea or at least eliminate the huge breathing apparatus used to treat the problem.

Reducing the risk of insulin resistance:

– Body fat, especially the fat accumulated in the abdominal area, causes the so-called insulin resistance, as these fats secrete chemicals that hinder the body’s reaction to the effect of the insulin hormone, which is necessary to maintain the normal level of sugar in the blood, leading to the possibility of high blood sugar.

Reducing the inflammatory factors associated with obesity:

– Obesity may be associated with changes in immunity, or an increase in the proportion of inflammatory cytokines, which causes chronic low-grade inflammation, but the effect of obesity on Inflammation is not clear, and it needs many hypotheses to prove this, and a weight loss of 10% may help reduce the inflammatory factors associated with obesity.

Improving the psychological state:

– Losing weight may help improve body shape and sleep quality, which may improve the psychological state and relieve depression, as one study indicated that people with depression, who suffer from being overweight, improved after losing an equivalent of 8% of their weight. The body and other research have shown that you continue to feel better even after two years of maintaining the same weight, but the main reason behind this is still unknown.

Improving fertility for both sexes:

– An unhealthy weight affects a woman’s fertility, causing many problems, such as hormonal imbalances, ovulation problems, menstrual disorders, and polycystic ovary syndrome, which is the common cause of low fertility or sterility, and weight gain may lead to difficulties.

– In assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, IVF, ovulation induction, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI. Being overweight or obese may lead to many factors that reduce male fertility, such as hormonal problems, erection problems, and other health conditions related to obesity.

– It is worth noting that weight loss in men who are overweight or obese may lead to an increase in the quality and number of animals. Sperm Reaching a healthy weight at least three months before fertilization may lead to the development of sperm and thus improve the chance of conception.

Improvement of memory:

– Weight gain may negatively affect cognitive function and diet-related weight loss may improve episodic memory performance as well as increase activity in the anterior part of the right hippocampus, which is associated with reduced plasma levels of free fatty acids.

Increased self-confidence:

– Self-confidence increases with increased fitness and health when losing weight in people who are overweight or obese and feeling comfortable and more attractive about appearance.

Improvement of physical fitness:

– Physical fitness increases by increasing exercise, with increased energy and endurance, by following weight loss programs.

Weight loss tips Lifestyle

– change from healthy nutrition and physical activity helps to lose and maintain a safe weight in the long term, although this takes a lot of time and effort.

– as studies have shown that losing a safe weight is equivalent to losing approximately 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week to succeed in Maintaining weight loss, so it is recommended to consult a doctor or a certified nutritionist to reach this, and here are some tips for losing weight.

Ensure that there are no diseases or health conditions that impede the process of losing weight:

This includes some health problems, including the following:

– Thyroid gland as Hypothyroidism may lead to weight gain through the accumulation of water and salts in the body, and hyperthyroidism may lead to weight loss in many people, but it may cause weight gain in other people due to increased feelings of hunger.

– The effect of the thyroid gland on metabolism, weight, and energy is a complex matter in addition to the effect of hormones, proteins, and other chemicals, so it is advised to consult a doctor when you feel that it is a problem e.

– Lack of vitamins and minerals, including iron, as it helps produce energy from nutrients, in addition to transporting oxygen to all cells of the body, including muscles, which helps to burn fat in addition to vitamin D.

– as researchers note low levels of vitamin D, in people Although the exact reason for the effect of vitamin D on weight loss, is not known, a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011 indicated that supplementation of vitamin D and calcium by adults with Overweight and obesity helped them lose visceral fat, more than those who did not take these supplements.

– PCOS, this syndrome may lead to weight gain more easily in women with it, thus increasing the additional symptoms they suffer from.

– Insulin resistance Taking diabetes or insulin resistance medications may lead to increased insulin levels, and consequently, weight gain, and dietary and lifestyle changes may help reduce insulin-related weight gain.

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Diet with exercise:

– Aerobic exercise may help increase metabolism or increase calorie burning, which may help lose weight and maintain the continuity of its loss, in addition to maintaining and increasing muscle mass, and thus increasing its daily calorie burn.

Reducing the intake of foods rich in fats and sugars:

– The total intake of sugars should not exceed 10% of the total calories consumed when following a healthy diet.

– and it is preferable to reduce the percentage to less than 5% to obtain more health benefits.

– and the total fat intake should not exceed 30 % of the total energy consumed to avoid unhealthy weight gain, with attention to the need to reduce the intake of saturated fats to less than 10% and the intake of trans fats to less than 1% of the total energy consumed.

Reading food labels:

– Reading food labels helps to know the number of calories in food products, to determine the appropriate amounts of food with the daily quota of calories required in the weight loss plan, in addition to the ability to choose healthy options from food when reading the ingredients.

Using smaller plates when eating:

– Eating on smaller plates helps reduce the amount of food eaten gradually over time without feeling hungry. It is worth noting that the stomach takes approximately 20 minutes to send information to the brain that it is full, so it is recommended to eat slowly, in addition to stopping Eat before you feel full.

Avoiding food deprivation:

– Depriving some types of foods when following a weight loss plan, especially beloved foods, may lead to an increase in the desire to eat them, as there is no harm in eating and enjoying them, taking care to maintain the number of calories consumed within the specified daily amount.

Avoid stockpiling junk food:

– stocking up on junk food like chocolate, biscuits, chips, and sweet sodas increase the craving for them at any time, while it is better to replace them with healthy snacks like fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oatcakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and juice the fruit.

Weekly meal planning:

– Planning your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week helps you stick to your calorie intake, and writing a weekly shopping list can help.

Obesity and its risks

– Excessive accumulation of fat leads to weight gain and obesity, thus posing a great danger and concern to public health, as obesity is associated with the occurrence of many health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, and breathing problems.

– In contrast, weight loss is defined as a decrease in weight.

– In most cases, it occurs due to the loss of fat in the body, but the loss of fat in people with large weights is often accompanied by a loss of protein and the possibility of depleting other substances from the body.


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Weight Loss Benefits




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